Reference Number Description of Service Fee (€) Fee (€)
 Paper Electronic Submission
1 Acknowledgement of Registry of a society 200.00  100.00
2 Acknowledgement of Registry of a society the rules of which are in the form of model rules approved by the Registrar, where the Application for Registration is made through and endorsed by the association or body which has sponsored the rules contained in the said model rules, a reduced fee. 100.00  50.00
3 Acknowledgement of Registry of an Amendment of Rules (Complete Amendment or Partial) 60.00  15.00
4 Acknowledgement of Registry of an Amendment of Rules where the rules are in the form of model rules approved by the Registrar, where the Application for Registration is made through and endorsed by the association or body which has sponsored the rules contained in the said model, a reduced fee.
(a) Complete Amendment 30.00  15.00
(b) Partial Amendment 30.00  15.00
5 Registry of a Special Resolution other than approval of a change of name 15.00  n/a
Registry of a Special Resolution for approval of a change of name 100.00  n/a
6 Appointment of an inspector 200.00  n/a
7 Calling of a Special Meeting 130.00  n/a
8 Determination of a dispute or an award for the distribution of funds
(a) where the matter is settled without a hearing or on one hearing without adjournment 60.00  n/a
(b) for every hearing after the first and for every adjournment 60.00  n/a
9 Filing of a society’s Annual Return 40.00  20.00
10 Filing of an Instrument of Dissolution or any amendment thereto 100.00  n/a
11 Filing of Notice of Change of Registered Office 15.00  Nil – Free
12 Filing of Notice of Petition to appoint an Examiner 15.00  n/a
13 Filing or registering of documents concerning the winding up of a society under the provisions of the Companies Act2014 15.00 per document  n/a
Signature or seal of the Registrar to a document not chargeable with any other fee 12.00  12.00
Inspection of a society’s file* 6.00  n/a
Copy or extract of any document (in addition to fee for Registrar’s signature or seal) 3.00  2.50
*A fee of €2.50 is charged to download a copy of a scanned submission or an attachment with a submission online. All enquires about registered files and copies of un-scanned submissions should be addressed to
Printout of name and address of Society 3.50  3.50